As a private company, you're constantly thinking about your next strategic move. Are you planning a new round of financing? Considering when to launch your IPO? Or perhaps you're preparing to acquire a complementary business.
The article "When Employees are Owners: Benefits of an Employee Share Purchase Plan (ESPP)" discusses how offering a plan can enhance your company's total rewards program, helping you attract and retain top talent. However, some employees may not understand the advantages of the ESPP or how the plans work, which can negatively impact participation rates. To assist you in communicating your plan and increasing engagement, Computershare is launching the ENGAGE program.
ENGAGE is a new way to talk to your employees about share plans. In as little as six weeks, your company can receive the customized share plan communications you need to boost participation in your share plan.
How ENGAGE Works
Get up and running fast with this simple three-step process
- Select your theme – Choose a base package of communications from five distinct visual styles.
- Choose your add-ons – Create more of a bang with a flexible range of communications.
- Launch – Watch your share plan performance soar as we manage your campaign from end-to-end.
Your choice of themes
- Save time – Tailoring communications to fit your brand is simpler than starting from scratch
- Improve your communications – Created by designers and copywriters of award-winning share plan communications
- Increase take-up rates – A proven track record of improving share plan participation rates
- Stay on brand – Our templates are easy to configure to your brand guidelines
- Save money – A cost-effective solution to suit all budgets
- Streamline campaigns – A seamless process managed as an integral part of your wider event plan
- Understand your employees – Surveys administered before and after the campaign provide real insight into your employees' views of your plan
To learn more about ENGAGE Share Plan Communications and how this program can improve participation in your plan, contact your Relationship Manager.

The material contained herein is provided for general informational purposes only and does not constitute legal or other professional advice or opinion. Computershare does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the material contained herein and such material should not be relied upon. "Computershare" refers to Computershare Canada Inc. and its affiliates.
© 2019 Computershare Trust Company of Canada